Turns out that setting up the Raspberry Pi was not quite as easy as pie! We downloaded and used the NOOBS (New Out Of Box Software) to install Pidor and everything appeared to go well until logging in as the user we created during the install. According to google search many people received the same error, so thinking there is a problem with the install script. I was able to login as root and can probably correct the configuration file with a little effort. This istall was done on a 4GB SD card and left no room to download any files. So did another install on a 16GB SD cardusing the Rasbian distro, which is primarily for programming in Python. And finally installed OpenElec distro on an 8GB SD card, which is a Mutimedia Center setup and this will probably be the most popular from what I have seen so far. Looking forward to the KLUG July 22nd meeting to try all these distros out.