KLUG Annual Holiday Party 2016

The Kalamazoo Linux User Group was very pleased to welcome Kalamazoo’s native son, Matt Crampton, to our holiday party.  Matt co-founded KLUG in 1998, and as a rising star in the Silicone Valley, he co-founded Gigwalk in 2010.  He currently serves as Gigwalk’s CTO. Gigwalk is an innovative addition to the “Sharing Economy” where Gigwalkers … Read more

Annual KLUG Holiday Party

Kalamazoo Linux Users Group will hold our annual holiday party on December 27 from 6:00 P.M. – ?  This year the party will be held at the new Kalamazoo Makers Space: www.kzoomakers.org  – Pizza, salad, dessert and non-alcoholic beverages will be served.  Please RSVP so, we may order adequate provisions.