
March 2016

Annual board election results:

Chairman:  Lynden Kirk

Co-Chairman:  Dave Runstrom

Secretary:  Lucas Henry

Treasurer: Bill Lindemann

Member at Large: J.Jerome Prevatte

Member at Large: Todd Landis


June 2015




KLUG has experienced good growth in membership over the last several months, due in large part to our new chairman and chief technical officer, Lyden Kirk.  Lynden is experienced in hardware repairs as well as; network infrastructure, cyber security, Microsoft, and Linux operating systems.  If you would like to learn more about “Safe Computing” come and join us.  If you go to the RSVP Calendar on tab above you can see what is on the agenda for the up coming weeks and RSVP if you would like to attend.


May 2015

Lenovo-T60KLUG donated this Lenovo T60 laptop with Linux Mint to the South West WordPress Meetup Group to use as a door prize to raise money to support their group. After paying for pizza and pop they cleared $30. We are looking to make similar computer donations to non-profits to promote the Kalamazoo Linux Users Group and raise money for their cause.


April 2015

ComptiaSecPlusKalamazoo Linux Users Group (KLUG) is looking for anyone interested in joining a “Network Security Study Group” to attend a short meeting on Tuesday, April 28th and/or Thursday, May 14th from 5:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. to discuss organizing the group. We can meet at: 2920 Business One Drive in the Business One USA Leasing Building see for location.


January 2015

Dell_Dimension2400FREE!  Dell Dimension 2400 – Celeron Processor, 512 Mb, 40Gb, CD Reader, AntiX OS, Libre Office Suite.  Come to a meeting and go home with a free computer.  If more then one person wants this computer we will have a drawing or coin flip.

About antiX OS

AntiX is a fast, lightweight and easy to install linux live CD distribution based on Debian Testing for Intel-AMD x86 compatible systems. antiX offers users the “antiX Magic” in an environment suitable for old computers. So don’t throw away that old computer yet! The goal of antiX is to provide a light, but fully functional and flexible free operating system for both newcomers and experienced users of Linux. It should run on most computers, ranging from 64MB old PII 266 systems with pre-configured 128MB swap to the latest powerful boxes. 128MB RAM is recommended minimum for antiX. The installer needs minimum 2.2GB hard disk size. antiX can also be used as a fast-booting rescue cd. A special XFCE edition made in collaboration with the MEPIS Community called MX-14 “Symbiosis” is also available.


December 2014pupylinuxmug

A unique coffee mug and coaster from Tom Phillips and E3 Achievement in Battle Creek, MI.

Created for the Kalamazoo Linux Users Group.

If you would like a personalized cup of your own leave a comment at bottom of this page and Tom will contact you for specifics.


November 2014

The Kalamazoo Linux Users Group has several older desktop computers with linux operating systems that we would like to donate.  They are suitable for surfing the Internet securely and for retrieving e-mail, as well many other normal computing task.  For information you can attend a weekly meeting (Tuesdays 7-9 P.M.) at: – 2920 Business One Drive, Kalamazoo, Mi 49001


September 2014

Finally successfully loaded piratebox distro onto KLUG’s Raspberrypi!



July 2014

Go figure … KLUG just acquired the Model B and already obsolete! We will have an introduction to our new Raspberry Pi B at our regular Tuesday evening meeting on July 15, 2014. Then at our July 22nd meeting we will have a pizza pie party with a Raspberry Jam session. If you300px-RaspberryPi plan on attending please RSVP on the Meetings page, so we can right size meeting room and pizza order! – Thanks