November 28th KLUG Meeting

At this weeks KLUG meeting Paul demonstrated the new Tails 3.3 distro installed on a USB thumb drive with a persistent and encrypted file system.  We watched a short TED Talk video: where we were introduced to the “DeepWeb”. Using the Tor browser built into Tails we learn more about visiting the Deep Web … Read more

Security Risk Assessment

Scott Mischke has arranged for a presentation by the Director of Information Security at MPI Research, Randy Slain, on security risk assessment “best practices”, especially as a precursor to qualification in the pharmaceutical industry;  common challenges they face with security. identifying vulnerabilities and conducting due diligence audits to mitigate risks. The presentation will begin at … Read more

FLOSS Presentation

Scot Henderson made another great presentation at our weekly KLUG meeting.  The topic, FLOSS or Free Libre Open Source software was very interesting and informative.  We learned the difference between Free and non-free software in the GNU/Linux world.  Scot introduced us to vrms (virtual Richard M Stallman); … an apt that will detect any … Read more

Computer Donation

Kalamazoo Linux Users Group making our sixth computer donation of 2015 at The White Oaks Retirement Residence in Lawton MI. Kalamazoo Linux Users Group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit with the mission to promote GNU/Linux and “Open Source” products and to share our knowledge and experiences using new technologies with each other and the public.