Introduction to password managers, Presented by Scott Cleveland

Do you use the same 5 (or less) passwords for all your websites? You know you need to do better for your online information. Come to KLUG Tuesday October 3rd for an introduction to password managers. Keep all your important passwords secure, available and on you at all times. Agenda: Overview of why you need … Read more

Annual KLUG Holiday Party

Kalamazoo Linux Users Group will hold our annual holiday party on December 27 from 6:00 P.M. – ?  This year the party will be held at the new Kalamazoo Makers Space:  – Pizza, salad, dessert and non-alcoholic beverages will be served.  Please RSVP so, we may order adequate provisions.

FLOSS Presentation

Scot Henderson made another great presentation at our weekly KLUG meeting.  The topic, FLOSS or Free Libre Open Source software was very interesting and informative.  We learned the difference between Free and non-free software in the GNU/Linux world.  Scot introduced us to vrms (virtual Richard M Stallman); … an apt that will detect any … Read more

KLUG Meeting of October 27, 2015

At the October 27th meeting of the Kalamazoo Linux Users Group we discussed and demonstrated the use of “Wine” – – to run Windows programs on the Linux operating system. We also discussed and approved a plan to fund a project to build a totally “Open Source” 3D printer as a group;  A bill … Read more

September 15th KLUG Meeting

Last night Scott Henderson did in impromptu presentation of GNU (a recursive acronym for “GNU’s Not Unix.”) and GPL (General Public License) and the four freedoms of open source software: The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose. The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your … Read more

May 5th Klug Meeting

At our Weekly KLUG meeting we checked out a great new Linux distribution of Chromixium and a few members learned the basics of a publishing program for Linux called Scribus. We also held elections for our board and the results were: Lynden Kirk – President; Bill Lindemann – Secretary and Director; Paul Moreno – Treasurer … Read more

Jan. 20th KLUG Meeting

Charles Stemaly presented and demonstrated a “Honey Pot” he created with Artillery.  Artillery allows an adminstrator to set a trap to detect, deflect, or in some manner counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems.  KLUG will continue exploring security exploits counter measures at future meeting, so let us know what topics you would like to … Read more