KLUG Meeting of April 22, 2014
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Roger Miller and Bill Lindemann. Installing a Linux Distro on a laptop donated by Business One USA for KLUG use.
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Roger Miller and Bill Lindemann. Installing a Linux Distro on a laptop donated by Business One USA for KLUG use.
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Johnny Dangerfield and Bill Lindemann. Tonight is another general support meeting.
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Al Hollaway, Bill Lindemann and 1st timer Michael Kempisty. Tonight is another general support meeting. Al Holloway discussed 3D printing. He will be teaching a class on 3D printing at the AirZoo. The next KLUG meeting will be on Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Al Hollaway and Bill Lindemann. Tonight is another general support meeting. New member Al Hollaway talked about a new class he will be teaching on 3D printing at the Air*Zoo where he works. We will investigate a new group the “Kalamazoo Makers Guild” We will not be meeting the next two weeks, … Read more
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Johnny Dangerfield and Bill Lindemann. Tonight is another general support meeting. Installed Firefox Video Downloader and Player Ant Video Downloader and Player
Attendees: Paul Moreno, John Davidson and Bill Lindemann. Tonight is another general support meeting.
Attendees: Paul Moreno and Bill Lindemann. Tonight is another general support meeting. We used the Tiger VNC viewer that comes installed standard on Korora 20 Linux OS to log in remotely to a Linux Mint 15 server using Vino VNC server. We demonstrated Virtual Box which was installed on the remote server which had … Read more
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Bill Lindemann and Andy Borka. We tried to install Virtual Box in Linux Mint. Remember to support the Kalamazoo Linux User Group by navigating to: www.kalamazoolinux.org and clicking the Google Ad.
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Bill Lindemann, Andy Borka and Bob Snyder. Tonight is a general support meeting with Pizza. Discussed raffle to raise funds foe KLUG.
Attrndees: Paul Moreno and Bill Lindemann Two more meetings this month, December 10 and 17th. In two weeks December 17, we will have a KLUG Holiday Party with Pizza and refreshments! Remember to support the Kalamazoo Linux User Group by navigating to: www.kalamazoolinux.org and clicking the Google Ad. – Thank you, Paul Moreno