KLUG Meeting Feb 10th
We had a very lively meeting this week and discussed Linux commands and creating a duel boot Linux on a Windows 8 machine.
We had a very lively meeting this week and discussed Linux commands and creating a duel boot Linux on a Windows 8 machine.
Charles Stemaly presented and demonstrated a “Honey Pot” he created with Artillery. Artillery allows an adminstrator to set a trap to detect, deflect, or in some manner counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. KLUG will continue exploring security exploits counter measures at future meeting, so let us know what topics you would like to … Read more
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Jerry Prevatte, George Meier, David Runstrom and Bill Lindemann. Installed sysinfo for Linux on two machines.
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Jerry Prevatte, Lynden B. Kirk, Phillip Adkins and Bill Lindemann. We discussed and demonstrated ownCloud and Raspberry Pi Access, Sync and Share your data, under your control! ownCloud provides access to your data through a web interface or WebDAV while providing a platform to easily view, sync and share across devices—all under your … Read more
Charles Stemaly presented a brief introduction to basic networking, followed by a demonstration on finding other connected systems connected to the local LAN network using Linux commands and by using tools like NMap and Wireshark, all from within the Kali Linux distribution (www.kali.org). We then scanned a couple of websites using Nikto, which is a … Read more
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Roger, Miller, Charles Stemlay and Bill Lindemann. Set-up PirateBox on Raspberry Pi. Up and Down-loaded files, Used Forum and Chat.
Paul Moreno presented a shallow dive into Python with his Raspberry Pi, showing the code for some simple games. We also discussed signing out KLUG’s Raspberry Pi to a member who would create a project and share with the group.
Lynden Kirk Presented a Windows 98 Virtual Machine running in VMPlayer on his Linux Mint laptop. all so he may continue to play “Homeworld” … 1999 game of the year!
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Matt Collin, Lynden Kirk, Charles Stemlay, Bill Lindemann. Mat Collin demonstrated Pirate Box. The group was able to connect to the Pirate Box wirelessly and share files, chat, and leave messages in the forum. We started a discussion of old software and computers we had in our individual collections and Charles Stemlay … Read more
Attendees: Paul Moreno, Charles Stemlay, Lynden Kirk, Tom Phillips, Al Hollaway, Bill Lindemann and Jim Strickland. Lynden Kirk gave a presentation of the free Virtualization Tools: VMware vs. VirtualBox.